NPI Registration


February 7, 2007

National Provider Identifier (NPI) Registration

As you know, in May, 2005, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released its initiative to create a new identifier for use in standard electronic health care transactions. This initiative is the National Provider Identifier (NPI). Many of the school districts, counties and 4201 schools have applied and received this NPI.

To ensure no disruption in Medicaid payments, it is necessary for school districts, counties and 4201 schools to register their NPI with the corresponding MMIS Provider Identification number (8-digit Medicaid provider number). In order to accomplish this, school districts, counties and 4201 schools should visit External Link and click on “Enter NPI” located in the green box on the right of the screen and follow the instructions. Please visit External Link for step-by-step instructions on completing the NPI registration process.

Please complete the registration process by March 1, 2007.

After completing the registration process, please e-mail your local Regional Information Center (RIC) that the registration process is complete.

If you have not as yet applied for your NPI, please contact your local RIC.

Last Updated: March 31, 2009