2007-08 Public School Salary Medians

BEDS Median Salaries For Use With 2007-08 Prospective Tuition Rates

2007-08 Public School Salary Medians
BEDS Code BEDS Region Superintendent Assistant Superintendent
1 NEW YORK CITY 161,924 128,784
2 NASSAU-SUFFOLK 166,735 130,412
3 MID-HUDSON 155,664 133,249
4 UPPER HUDSON 127,370 111,798
6 BLACK RIVER-ST. LAWRENCE 109,090 101,902
7 UPPER MOHAWK VALLEY 115,947 94,400
8 CENTRAL 131,705 103,562
9 SOUTHERN TIER-EAST 123,768 97,705
10 SOUTHERN TIER-CENTRAL 127,649 110,511
11 SOUTHERN TIER-WEST 111,313 88,146
12 GENESEE-FINGER LAKES 129,539 112,334
13 WESTERN 128,985 112,430

Statewide Public Fringe Benefit Rate = 46.96%

Positions Subject to Median Analysis:

Median Title

Position Code and Title

Superintendent Median

601 Executive Director

Assistant Superintendent

602 Assistant Executive Director

603 Comptroller

Last Updated: March 23, 2009