Electronic Data Submissions to RSU

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Internet Users Submitting Data to RSU

  1. School employee or county staff being authorized to submit data or complete surveys are required to register to get a PIN Number/Code. Each user should have a PIN number unless the agency wants to limit use of only one. Each user should only register once.
  2. A letter will be sent to the Executive Director or County Executive with the appropriate security codes;
    • Usercode - First letter of first name and first seven letters of second name.
    • Password - Assigned by the Rate Setting Unit
    • PIN - a number or code established by SED which is to be distributed by the Executive Director/County Executive ensuring that the Executive Director/County Executive is aware of and accepts the use of an electronic signature by school/county staff.
  3. User logs into system from RSU home page. Goes to section for Electronic Submissions.
  4. Enter Usercode, Password and PIN code and submit.
  5. Once security codes are accepted a page will return which will display the currently in use data collections being operated by RSU. Select the appropriate link.
  6. Follow instructions for the specific project. You will receive an error message if submissions are not acceptable otherwise the appropriate next page will return.
  7. Warning: Do not leave your browser open and logged-in with PIN number unattended. Close the browser when submission is complete.
Last Updated: March 23, 2009