Explanation of Field Values Returned

Values Returned to Sending Agency


Below is a list of fields on the STAC-1/3 transaction file that may be returned to you with values different than what you sent:


1)               SRV-TR-STAC-ID alpha 6, columns 01-06.


For any successful match made to the STAC system, the STAC-ID will be returned to you. This may be a newly generated STAC-ID or an existing STAC-ID. Even records that errored out may include a STAC-ID, depending upon where in the process the error occurred. NOTE: If you send STAC a STAC-ID that is determined to be incorrect based on the name and DOB you have sent, it is possible that a STAC-ID different than the one you sent will be returned to you


2)         SRV-TR-REC-NO alpha 2, columns 11-12.


Any successful new add will mean a new value in this field. It will be a numeric number from 01 through 99, though anything over 10 is extremely unlikely.


3)         SRV-TR-AMD-NO alpha 2, columns 13-14


            Any successful add or change will return the latest, 2 digit amendment number to you.


4)               SRV-TR-DOB alpha 6, columns 53-60.


If it is determined the DOB you send to STAC is not correct, then STAC will return on the file the DOB stored on STAC’s database. Since the DOB is critical to program placement, we must send to you the DOB that we use to make this determination.


5)         SRV-TR-REC-STATUS alpha 2, columns 81-82.


Will have the value “00” for a successful add or change, or something other than “00” for an error. See <link to error messages> for a listing of these values.


5)               SRV-TR-ED-FTE 9V999, columns 224-227.


For services that calculate FTE (4410 center based, 4408 etc), an FTE will be returned to you. XXXXXXXXXXX Click here to see how FTE is calculated XXXXXXXXXX. FTE represents the percent of time for the length of the program that the child attended services, with the basic formula being: Number-Of-Weeks-In-Program/Total-Length-Of-Program-In-Weeks.


6)         SRV-TR-ED-RATE 9(6)V99, columns 228-235.


            SED will return to you the official rate being used for this particular service.




7)         SRV-TR-ED-COST PIC 9(6)V99. 236-243


            The cost returned to you generally = FTE x RATE.


8)               SRV-TR-OLAP-CSE alpha 12, columns 515-526


When SRV-TR-REC-STATUS = “23”, meaning “transaction rejected due to overlapping service”, then the field SRV-TR-OLAP-CSE will contain the 12 digit school-code for the school district in which the existing service originated.


9)                SRV-TR-OLAP-ISPEC alpha 6, columns 527-532.


When SRV-TR-REC-STATUS = “23”, meaning “transaction rejected due to overlapping service”, then the field SRV-TR-OLAP-ISPEC will contain the 5 character service designation (SRV-TR-PROG-TYPE ) for the existing service that overlaps this transaction.


10)           SRV-TR-OLAP-DT-BEG alpha 8, columns 533-540


When SRV-TR-REC-STATUS = “23”, meaning “transaction rejected due to overlapping service”, then the field SRV-TR-OLAP-DT-BEG will contain the 8 character service Begin-Date for the existing service that overlaps this transaction.


11)           SRV-TR-OLAP-DT-END alpha 8, columns 541-548.


When SRV-TR-REC-STATUS = “23”, meaning “transaction rejected due to overlapping service”, then the field SRV-TR-OLAP-DT-END will contain the 8 character service End-Date for the existing service that overlaps this transaction.


12)           SRV-TR-ED-PROV alpha 12, columns 203-214 or

SRV-TR-MA-PROV alpha 12, columns 261-272  or

SRV-TR-PS-ED-PROV alpha 12, columns 203-214


A "new" provider code may overlay your education or maintenance code if the original

code was not active for the service dates sent in, and a more recent code for the same provider that was active for the service dates sent was found.

Last Updated: December 10, 2021