EFH277 Student Listings for 1819 Verified Approvals Memo

TO: Official State Aid Designee September 3, 2020
FROM: Edwin Truax, Associate in School Business Management
SUBJECT: 2018-19 Private and High Cost Public Verified STAC Student Backup for Aidable Excess Cost Calculated on 2019-20 Private Excess Cost Aid Output (PRI) and 2019-20 Public Excess Cost & Excess Cost Aid Set-aside Output Reports (PUB) pdf file

Two EFH277 reports listing 2018-19 private and high cost public placement student service dates and costs verified on STAC were placed in your district’s “outbasket” in the SED File Transfer Manager (FTM) on 09/03/2020. Both reports list students alphabetically within each educational provider. The 2018-19  FTE enrollment and costs were used to calculate the 2019-20 PUB and PRI Aidable Excess Cost at the child, provider, and district levels.

From https://eservices.nysed.gov/publicsams, please have your Business Office print a copy of your district’s 2019-20 PUB and PRI reports to keep on file with the EFH277 student backup reports placed in your FTM outbasket. These PUB and PRI reports reflect 2018-19 enrollment year verified STAC enrollment dates. The student detail backup for the 2019-20 PUB and PRI is displayed on the enclosed EFH277 STAC 2018-19 High Cost Public and 10-Month Private verified student backup reports. If accessing SAMS through the Business Portal, select the snapshot labeled “August 15 2019 Database - 08/11/2020 09:15:21 AM”.

The EFH277 reports were run on 09/02/2020, so any differences between the Aidable Excess Cost Totals displayed at the end of the EFH277 reports and the 2019-20 PUB Line 7 “Aidable High Cost” and 2019-20 PRI Line 12 “Total Aidable Excess Cost” should be negligible.

A sample High Cost Apportionment Aid calculation for a public placement can be found at:

A sample Private Excess Cost Aid calculation for a private placement can be found at:

The 2019/20 State Aid PRI and PUB output reports can be viewed by accessing the State Aid Management System (SAMS), selecting the “snapshot” option, and accessing the “February 20, 2020 STAC Update”. Aidable Excess Cost totals on the 2019/20 PRI line 12 and PUB line 7 from the “2/20/20 snapshot” should match or be very close to the Aidable Excess Cost district totals on the EFH277 reports listed above.

The PUB Line 7 Aidable High Cost is multiplied by the PUB Line 4 Public Excess Cost Aid Ratio to get the Line 8 High Cost Apportionment Aid for a public placement, and the PRI Line 12 Aidable Excess Cost is multiplied by the PRI Line 8 Private Excess Cost Aid Ratio to get the PRI Line 13 Private Excess Cost Aid for a private placement.

Keep copies of the 2018-19 STAC student detail backup reports together with the August 2020 copy of the 2019-20 PUB and PRI reports printed out by your Business Office in your permanent file for the 2019-20 State Aid Year. If you have questions about the enclosed student listings, contact the STAC/Medicaid Unit at OMSSTAC@nysed.gov.

Last Updated: September 3, 2020