EFH277 Student Listings for 1920 Verified Approvals Memo

TO: Official State Aid Designee September 2, 2021
FROM: Adam Lenhardt , Education Finance Specialist 2
SUBJECT: 2019-20 Private and High Cost Public Verified STAC Student Backup for Aidable Excess Cost Calculated on 2020-21 Private Excess Cost Aid Output (PRI) and 2020-21 Public Excess Cost & Excess Cost Aid Set-aside Output Reports (PUB) pdf file

Two EFH277 reports listing 2019-20 private and high cost public placement student service dates and costs verified on STAC were placed in your district’s “outbasket” in the SED File Transfer Manager (FTM) on 09/01/2021. Both reports list students alphabetically within each educational provider. The 2019-20 FTE enrollment and costs were used to calculate the 2020-21 PUB and PRI Aidable Excess Cost at the child, provider, and district levels.

From https://eservices.nysed.gov/publicsams, please have your Business Office print a copy of your district’s 2020-21 PUB and PRI reports to keep on file with the EFH277 student backup reports placed in your FTM “outbasket”. These PUB and PRI reports reflect 2019-20 enrollment year verified STAC enrollment dates. The student detail backup for the 2020-21 PUB and PRI is displayed on the enclosed EFH277 STAC 2019-20 High Cost Public and 10-Month Private verified student backup reports. If accessing SAMS through the Business Portal, select the snapshot labeled “August 15 2021 20DB - 08/06/2021 09:59:50 AM - Aug 15 Database”.

The EFH277 reports were generated on 08/30/2021, so any differences between the Aidable Excess Cost Totals displayed at the end of the EFH277 reports and the 2020-21 PUB Line 7 “Aidable High Cost” and 2020-21 PRI Line 12 “Total Aidable Excess Cost” should be negligible.

A sample High Cost Apportionment Aid calculation for a public placement can be found at:

A sample Private Excess Cost Aid calculation for a private placement can be found at:

The PUB Line 7 Aidable High Cost is multiplied by the PUB Line 4 Public Excess Cost Aid Ratio to get the Line 8 High Cost Apportionment Aid for a public placement, and the PRI Line 12 Aidable Excess Cost is multiplied by the PRI Line 8 Private Excess Cost Aid Ratio to get the PRI Line 13 Private Excess Cost Aid for a private placement.

Keep copies of the 2019-20 STAC student detail backup reports together with the August 2021 copy of the 2020-21 PUB and PRI reports retrieved by your Business Office in your permanent file for the 2020-21 State Aid Year. If you have questions about the enclosed student listings, contact the STAC/Medicaid Unit at OMSSTAC@nysed.gov.

Last Updated: December 10, 2021