Reapplication Instructions:
Chapter 47, 66, and 721
2-Month Placements (OPWDD)
(Screen DRCSM)

Printable Version pdf file

I. Overview

This screen is used by school districts to re-apply for reimbursement approval for July/August Chapter 2-Month Placements.

Each spring, the STAC/Medicaid Unit issues reapplications based on the current year’s reimbursement approvals. If a student did not have a current year approval on the STAC Online (EFRT) System by the announced date, a reapplication for the subsequent school year would not have been generated. If a reapplication was not generated, the new approval for the upcoming summer must be manually added on DSCSM.

II. Accessing the STAC Online System

  1. Proceed to the STAC Unit website at:
  2. From the navigation menu on the left, click the “EFRT Online Sign-In” link.
  3. Log in using your assigned Usercode and password.

III. Retrieving available reapplications

  1. From the Special Education Main Menu:
    either enter DRSUM in the “GO TO” box located in the top-right corner of the screen and hit Enter on your keyboard
    or select the DMNUR PROCESS A REAPPLICATION MENU option and then select the DRCSM SCHOOL AGE CHAPTER PLACEMENT (2 MONTH) option from the reapplication menu.
  2. The DRCSM School Age Summer Chapter Reapplications screen will load. Select the upcoming school year from the School Year dropdown menu.
    • The summer is always associated with the subsequent school year.
  3. Click the Get Providers button, and then select a provider from the Education Provider dropdown menu.
DRCSM Screenshot, after the Get Providers button has been clicked but before an Education Provider has been selected from the dropdown.
  1. Click the Get Reapps button.
    • Enter the first 4 letters of Last Name to retrieve specific students or leave blank to retrieve list from beginning.

IV. Submitting reapplication requests

Displayed will be the list of student(s) who generated a reapplication for the education provider you selected. The student’s STAC ID, Name, Education program, and Chapter Type will be shown. The student list is continuous with up to 10 students displayed on the screen.

DRCSM Screenshot, displaying a list of five students for Eastern Suffolk BOCES. Chapter Type is defaulted to IRA. No transportation has been entered.
  1. To submit reapplications for student(s) on the selected page, check the Reapply box for each student continuing in the same placement.
  2. Select the appropriate Chapter Type: IRA, ICF, DEV, or GRP.
  3. Enter the Transportation Cost, if known, in the Transportation Cost box.
  4. Click the Submit button.
    • Once a student has been reapplied for the selected school year, the student will no longer appear on the reapplication list.
    • To view the reimbursement approvals, retrieve each student’s STAC Child Service Profile on the DQCLD screen.
  5. To retrieve a list of students for a different education provider, select a new provider from the Education Provider dropdown and click Get Reapps.
Last Updated: April 15, 2022