Looking Up APR Information and Exporting to SED FTM (DQPAY)


A User Guide for School Districts

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I. Looking Up Approved Payment Report Information on DQPAY Screen

To retrieve payment information within the STAC Online (EFRT) System:

  1. After signing into the STAC Online (EFRT) System, the main menu will appear. Type "DQPAY" in the GO TO box in the top-right corner of the screen and hit "Enter" on your keyboard.
  2. Select the enrollment school year from the School Year dropdown menu.
  3. The school district SED Code should be pre-filled in the District box.
  4. Select the placement type from the Fund dropdown menu.
  5. Select the payment number from the PAY Num dropdown menu.
  6. Select either education ("Educ") or transportation ("Tran") from the Service options.
  7. Click Inquire.

The records included in the selected payment will appear in the list.

The amount indicated in the Amt this APR column reflects the amount of reimbursement actually paid for the record in the selected payment.

The amount indicated in the Total to Date column reflects the total State reimbursement due for this record and service type, based on the rate currently on the STAC Online (EFRT) System.

In the rightmost column, the Pay Percent field indicates the pay percentage used for the selected payment. The Adjustment Detail box indicates any positive or negative adjustments that were added to or subtracted from the selected payment. These could include chargebacks and any prior Section 4408 payment amounts earned by a school district that were carried forward because they were under $1,000.

II. Generating a Copy of the Approved Payment Report (APR) on the SED File Transfer Manager (FTM)

Certain information is only available on the original Approved Payment Report (APR). The STAC and Medicaid Unit is no longer distributing APRs automatically at the time of payment. Instead, school districts can request any APR at any time.

Each time the child detail for a payment (actual or future) is made available in the STAC Online (EFRT) System, the STAC and Medicaid Unit will post an announcement in the Latest News section on the STAC homepage and send out an announcement via the School Age ListServ. This announcement will include the information needed to identify the payment on the DQPAY screen.

To obtain an original Approved Payment Report (APR):

  1. Complete the steps listed in Section I to select a payment on the DQPAY screen.
  2. Click Send to SEDFTM.
  3. A pop-up will appear indicating that "EFH691 Ran". Click Close Window.
  4. In a separate Google Chrome tab or window, log into the SED File Transfer Manager.
  5. In the Files panel on the right, click on the name of the school district folder.
    (ie. STAC010100, where the numbers are the first six digits of the school district SED Code)
  6. Inside the school district folder, click on the "outbasket" folder name.
  7. Inside the "outbasket", click on the "Date Modified" column header until the most recent date is at the top.
  8. The APR for the payment selected on DQPAY should be listed as a PDF. The filename will start with "EFH691" and further indicate the placement type, school year, service type, payment number, and the date/time the APR was requested on DQPAY.
  9. Inside the "outbasket", click on the "Date Modified" column header until the most recent date is at the top.
  10. Click on the filename to open or save the APR.

III. Understanding a School Age Approved Payment Report (APR)

Header (Left):

  • EFH691: The Report Identifier.
  • SCHOOL YEAR: The enrollment school year. This was selected in the School Year dropdown menu on the DQPAY screen.
  • PAY PERCENT: The percentage of the approved service cost used for this payment. This matches the Pay Percent in the top-right corner of the DQPAY screen.
  • PAY NUMBER: This matches the payment number selected in the PAY Num dropdown menu on the DQPAY screen.
  • DISTRICT: The SED Code and popular name of the school district receiving the payment.

Header (Center):

  • First Line: Identifies the New York State Education Department.
  • Second Line: Identifies the STAC and Medicaid Unit.
  • Third Line: Identifies the placement type.
    NOTE: Approved Payment Reports are not produced for Private Excess Cost and Public High Cost 10-Month Placements.
  • Fourth Line: Identifies the service type.
  • Fifth Line: Identifies the service time period.

Header (Right):

  • ISSUE DATE: The date the child detail underlying the payment (actual or future) was generated. This is not necessarily the date listed in the filename of the PDF. It is also not the date that the school district actually received the payment, because the actual payments are made by the State Aid unit in a subsequent process.
  • ISSUE TIME: The time the payment was generated.
  • SED PAGE: This information is for SED use only.
  • DISTRICT PAGE: The page number within the APR.

The records listed in the body of the report are sorted first by Education Provider (in SED Code order) and then alphabetically by student last name and then alphabetically by student first name.


  • STAC-ID/CHILD NAME: The first line for each record contains the STAC ID, the enrollment school year, the record number, and the amendment number. The second line for each record contains the student's last name followed by the student's first name.
  • DOB: The student's date of birth.
  • SERV: The service type. If there are multiple service types included in this payment, each service type will be on a separate line.
  • DATE FROM: The service start date, as verified on the STAC Online (EFRT) System.
  • DATE TO: The service end date, as verified on the STAC Online (EFRT) System.
  • FTE / UNITS: For education, this column will list the Full Time Equivalent (FTE) calculation. For summer maintenance, this column will list the number of maintenance days.
  • ANNUAL COST/RATE: The SED-approved program rate.
  • TOTAL COST: The total approved cost of the service.
  • EARNED TO DATE: The total amount of State reimbursement.
  • TOTAL YTD PAID: The total amount of State reimbursement paid for this service on previous APRs, excluding this APR.
  • AMOUNT DUE: The amount of State reimbursement paid on this APR.
  • WTH-DRN: If a record has been withdrawn, "WD" will be listed in this column.


  • TOTAL DUE: The total amount of State reimbursement for this payment generated by this payment by the records listed in the main body of the report.
  • ADJUSTMENT: Any adjustments based on prior APRs will be listed here. The school year the adjustment originated from will be indicated, along with the type of adjustment, and the amount of adjustment.
  • ADJUSTED PAYMENT DUE: The total amount of State reimbursement generated by this payment after the adjustments.
  • CURRENT PAYMENT DUE: The total amount of State reimbursement being paid in this APR.
Last Updated: December 14, 2021