Summary of 2009-2010 Regents Budget Priorities
($ Millions)
I. Ensure Program Stability for School Districts
State Aid -- Maintain Foundation Aid Formula .................................$878.6
II. Maintain Core State Education Department Operations
Fee increases (no General Fund impact)
Stabilize funding for program operations through fee adjustments:
- Cultural Education fee increase ($7.50 per transaction) ..............$18.0
- Office of Professions fee increase (10%) ......................................$4.0
..................................................................Total Revenue Increase: $22.0
Level Funding for General Fund State Operations
Raise student achievement with existing resources through data, best practices and organization and maintain support for key operations.
Level Funding for Special Revenue Operations
No further reductions in revenue generating accounts such as: Professions, Cultural Education, Proprietary School Supervision, Teacher Certification, and Departmentwide Cost Recovery.
III. Maintain Aid to Localities Programs Administered by SED
To the extent feasible, under the current State fiscal situation, these programs should be maintained. They each fall into one or more of the following three categories:
- Preserve expenditures that protect children and families in greatest need
- Preserve expenditures that protect public health and safety
- Preserve expenditures that protect the cultural heritage of the State
A description of proposed fee increases and a complete listing of Aid to Localities programs showing current funding levels are included in Appendix A