Grants Finance works with State Education Department offices to administer State and federal grant programs. Grants Finance is responsible for the financial management of grants awarded to local agencies, and other SED offices are responsible for ensuring that the activities funded by the grants are planned and implemented appropriately. For information regarding grant program requirements, please refer to the grant application and supporting documents or to the program contact listed on the grant award notice.

2/12/2025 – Submitting a Form FS-25/Request for Funds

Per NYSED’s Fiscal Guidelines for Federal and State Grants, local agencies may request funds to support grant activities for a particular project through the submission of the form called the FS-25/Request for Funds. Via this form, subrecipients report actual expenditures to date, plus anticipated expenditures (if applicable). The request(s) cannot exceed 90 percent of a grant’s approved annual budget. 

The FS-25 request, in accordance with federal cash management guidelines, must be based on the subrecipient’s immediate cash need for the specific project.  Before submitting the Form FS-25/Request for Funds, a subrecipient should review and have a clear understanding of the policies and procedures regarding payments for federal and state grants, including federal requirements for subgrantees governing cash management of federally funded programs.  Further information can be found in the Fiscal Guidelines for Federal and State Grants,  the Policy Advisory – Cash Management, and Record Keeping and Retention Guidance  on the Grants Finance website.

To submit a FS-25:

  • Download a FS-25 form here. (Includes directions on how to calculate a payment request.) form.)
  • Review the associated project’s FS-10 budget, any amendments, and payment records to make sure that your expenditures are within the approved budget.  To assist subrecipients, various reports are available on Grants Finance’s website here.
  • Ensure the chief financial officer’s signature is original wet ink.
  • Send one paper copy (original) of the FS-25.
  • Mail the completed FS-25 to Grants Finance at the following address:

                NYSED - Grants Finance
                510W Education Building
                89 Washington Avenue
                Albany, NY 12234

Questions can be submitted to

Visit Grants Finance for more details and guidance.

1/15/25 - ARP Federal Liquidation and Commencement 

The New York State Education Department (NYSED) has commenced the closure process for all ARP grants, including ESSER III, Summer Enrichment, Comprehensive After School, Learning Loss, HCY, HCY II, and HCY SRL.

As we are currently in the federal liquidation closing process, NYSED’s Grants Finance is unable to guarantee the processing of REVISED ARP FS-10F Final Expenditure Reports submitted during this period. However, please note that if any revised final expenditure reports are submitted resulting in a $0.00 change to the previously submitted grant total, these will be processed once the liquidation period has concluded.

NOTE: Subrecipients who have been approved for late liquidation of ARP* projects have until December 2025. (*ESSER III, Summer Enrichment, Comprehensive After School, Learning Loss, HCY, HCY II, HCY SRL)

Questions can be submitted to

Visit Grants Finance for more details and guidance.

10/30/24 - Submitting a REVISED FS-10F Final Expenditure Report

Per NYSED’s Fiscal Guidelines for Federal and State Grants, once a Final Expenditure Report (FS-10F) for a Federal or State project has been processed and the grant/grant-contract project closed by NYSED, subrecipients have 90 days to request that project be reopened for further review.

Subrecipients seeking to reopen a closed project will need to submit a REVISED FS-10F to Grants Finance. Under normal circumstances, requests are limited to one per grant/grant-contract project.  With appropriate justification, requests beyond one per grant/grant-contract project may be allowed, but they must be received within the original 90-day timeframe.

Please note that if a revised FS-10F is needed to report lower actual costs which will result in the return of funds, then it may be submitted outside the standard 90-day period.

To submit a REVISED FS-10F:

  • Download a FS-10F form here.
  • Review the associated project’s FS-10 budget, any amendments, and the initial FS-10F before the REVISED FS-10F is submitted to make sure that your expenditures are within the approved figures. 
  • Complete the REVISED FS-10F in duplicate, writing the word “REVISED” across the top of the 1st and last page of each paper copy.
  • Ensure the chief financial officer’s signature is original wet ink.
  • Mail the completed REVISED FS-10F to Grants Finance at the following address:

                NYSED - Grants Finance
                510W Education Building
                89 Washington Avenue
                Albany, NY 12234

Please note: REVISED FS-10Fs may need to be approved by the Grants Finance Fund Manager before processing. 

Questions can be submitted to

Visit Grants Finance for more details and guidance.

10/10/2024 – Record Keeping and Retention Guidance

As a reminder, subrecipients of state and federal grants awarded through NYSED must have a proper financial management system in place, along with strong internal controls and written procedures to ensure accurate accounting of grant funds. These requirements are outlined on page 8 of the NYSED Fiscal Guidelines. Additional guidance can be found in the Subrecipient's Record Keeping and Retention document. Please take the time to review these materials to ensure compliance and project success.

For additional information on record keeping and retention, refer to:

Questions can be submitted to

Visit Grants Finance for more details and guidance.

8/28/2024  - 2024-2025 Indirect Cost Rates

Chief Administrative Officers will soon receive letters notifying them of their agency's preliminary 2024-2025 maximum indirect cost rates.  The rates for school districts and BOCES are calculated using ST-3 and SA-111 data for the school year ending June 30, 2023. 

The rate for all charter schools and not for profit community-based organizations is 2.7%. The rate for colleges and universities is 8%. Charter schools and not for profit CBOs may request a higher rate, up to 8%, by completing the FS-87-R form, available by contacting Grants Finance, please provide your 12-digit agency code in your email.  All requests must be received by Friday, January 31, 2025. 

Additional information about indirect costs is available in the Fiscal Guidelines and in Frequently Asked Questions

Questions can be submitted to

Visit Grants Finance for more details and guidance.

08/05/2024 – 2023-2024 Federal and State Grant Payments – End-of-Year Report

The 2023-2024 year-end fiscal reports for Categorical Grants are now available here:

To review school specific data, select “Reports” then enter BEDS code or SED code. If neither of these codes are known, select a county and then select the agency and click on the 2023-2024 Federal and State Grant Payments End-of-Year Report. For Child Nutrition and State Aid payments please see the instructions on the Auditor's Notice for Year-End 6/30/24: Auditor's Notice for Year End 6/30/24.

Questions can be submitted to

Visit Grants Finance for more details and guidance.

5/15/2024 – Budget Amendments (FS-10A) and Final Expenditure Reports (FS-10F) – Reminder   

Budget Amendments (FS-10A)

• Please ensure all of your organization’s FS-10As have been approved and processed by NYSED. A copy of the FS-10A is sent back to the contact on the FS-10A processed by Grants Finance.
• For allocational funds, check the respective CF365 Allocation Report to ensure funds are utilized and/or funds are not going to be potentially lost to “excess”.

Final Expenditure Reports (FS-10Fs)

• FS-10Fs should only be prepared and submitted after project activities are completed, all obligations/encumbrances have been fully liquidated, and all expenditures have been paid.
• The FS-10F should be completed in its entirety with all requested information provided, valid encumbrance dates, check/JE#s, etc. Ensure the correct Project #, Contract #, SED Code, and SED Name is provided. (Hint: Utilize available reports to ensure data accuracy.)
• The FS-10F should be submitted from the sub-recipient to Grants Finance in duplicate with original ink signature.
• Grants Finance will be unable to process a FS-10F that has a pending amendment!
• Stimulus (ARP/ARP ESSER) projects have earlier FS-10F due dates. Please check your records.
• Once processed by Grants Finance, a copy of the FS-10F along with a project status summary is sent back to the LEA to the attention of the contact listed on the front page of the FS-10F document.

• ONLY the most current version of the FS-10A and FS-10F form should be used for grant/grant-contract projects. These forms may be found on
• FS-10As and FS-10Fs are subject to Federal and State record keeping and retention requirements outlined in the Fiscal Guidelines for Federal and State Funded Grants.

Questions can be submitted to

Visit Grants Finance for more details and guidance.

4/23/2024 – 2023-24 Allocation Programs – Reminder
 As we are now about half way through the school year, it would be a good idea for local agencies receiving allocation funds through NYSED to again carefully review their Allocation Reports to ensure that the maximum available funds are being utilized for their specific programs.  These reports, called the CF365 Reports, are updated nightly and are available for ESSA, IDEA and State programs. Via the agency’s 12-digit BEDS (or SED) Code, these reports provide information regarding TOTAL AVAILABLE funds broken down by CARRYOVER FROM THE PRIOR YEAR (2022-23), the new 2023-24 ALLOCATION amount*, as well as the amount of the current APPROVED BUDGET (including approved/processed amendments/FS-10As).  Agencies whose APPROVED BUDGET is less than the TOTAL AVAILABLE may access these funds and/or prevent funds from being lost to ‘EXCESS’ (as excess carryover) by submitting FS-10A/Budget Amendments for review and approval to the respective program office so that these funds can be added to the current project for obligation and use.
* When reviewing these reports, please note that for Title I, Parts A and D, Title II and Title V allocations have been finalized as of 3/1/2024.

The 2023-24 Final allocation amounts for Title I, II and IV are also posted on the NYSED’s ESSA website @ . NYSED’s ESSA website also provides the following link with instructions to the local agencies regarding their allocation changes.  In addition, a PDF (Printable Version) is available as well @

Questions can be submitted to

Visit Grants Finance for more details and guidance.

9/6/2023 - 2023-2024 Indirect Cost Rates
Chief Administrative Officers will soon receive letters notifying them of their agency's preliminary 2023-2024 maximum indirect cost rates.  The rates for school districts and BOCES are calculated using ST-3 and SA-111 data for the school year ending June 30, 2022.  The rate for all charter schools and not for profit community-based organizations is 2.7%.  The rate for colleges and universities is 8%.  Charter schools and not for profit CBOs may request a higher rate, up to 8%, by completing the FS-87-R form, available by contacting Grants Finance.  All requests must be received by Friday, January 26, 2024.  Additional information about indirect costs is available in the Fiscal Guidelines and in Frequently Asked Questions

Questions can be submitted to

Visit Grants Finance for more details and guidance.

9/6/23 – 2022-23 Federal/State Grant Payments – End of the Year Report
The 2022-23 year-end fiscal reports for Categorical Grants are now available. To review school specific data, select “Reports” then enter BEDS code or SED code.  If neither of these codes are known, select a county and then select the agency and click on the 2022-23 Federal and State Grant Payments End-of -Year Report.  For Child Nutrition and State Aid payments please see the instructions on the Auditor's Notice for Year End 6/30/23. Auditor's Notice for Year End 6/30/23.

Questions can be submitted to

Visit Grants Finance for more details and guidance.

04/21/2023 – 2022-23 Allocation Programs – Reminder 
As we are now about half way through the school year, it would be a good idea for local agencies receiving allocation funds through NYSED to again carefully review their Allocation Reports to ensure that the maximum available funds are being utilized for their specific programs.  These reports, called the CF365 Reports, are updated nightly and are available for ESSA, IDEA and State programs. Via the agency’s 12-digit BEDS (or SED) Code, these reports provide information regarding TOTAL AVAILABLE funds broken down by CARRYOVER FROM THE PRIOR YEAR (2021-22), the new 2022-23 ALLOCATION amount*, as well as the amount of the current APPROVED BUDGET (including approved/processed amendments/FS-10As).  Agencies whose APPROVED BUDGET is less than the TOTAL AVAILABLE may access these funds and/or prevent funds from being lost to ‘EXCESS’ (as excess carryover) by submitting FS-10A/Budget Amendments for review and approval to the respective program office so that these funds can be added to the current project for obligation and use.

* When reviewing these reports, please note that for Title I, Parts A and D, Title II and Title IV allocations have been finalized as of 3/3/2023.

The 2022-23 Final allocation amounts for Title I, II and IV are also posted on the NYSED’s ESSA website @ . NYSED’s ESSA website also provides the following link with instructions to the local agencies regarding their allocation changes.

Questions can be submitted to

Visit Grants Finance for more details and guidance.

10/24/22 - 2022-2023 Indirect Cost Rates
Chief Administrative Officers will soon receive letters notifying them of their agency's preliminary 2022-2023 maximum indirect cost rates.  The rates for school districts and BOCES are calculated using ST-3 and SA-111 data for the school year ending June 30, 2021.  The rate for all charter schools and not for profit community-based organizations is 2.7%.  The rate for colleges and universities is 8%.  Charter schools and not for profit CBOs may request a higher rate, up to 8%, by completing the FS-87-R form, available by contacting Grants Finance.  All requests must be received by Friday, January 27, 2023.  Additional information about indirect costs is available in the Fiscal Guidelines and in Frequently Asked Questions.  Please direct questions to Grants Finance.

10/4/22 –GEER 1 (5895) and ESSER 1 (5890) FS-10F due by 10/30/2022
The project period for GEER 1 (5895) and ESSER 1 (5890) ends on September 30, 2022. FS- 10F Final Expenditure reports are due to be submitted to Grants Finance no later than October 30, 2022.  Failure to submit this report by October 30, 2022, may result in any remaining funds being returned to USDE.  Please contact the Office of ESSA Funded Programs at if you have any questions.

9/13/22 – 2021-22 Federal/State Grant Payments – End of the Year Report
The 2021-22 year-end fiscal reports for Categorical Grants are now available. To review school specific data, select “Reports” then enter the BEDS or SED code.  If neither of these codes is known, select a county and then select the agency and click on the 2021-22 Federal and State Grant Payments End-of-Year Report.  For Child Nutrition and State Aid payments, please see the instructions on the Auditor's Notice for Year End 6/30/22. Auditor's Notice for Year End 6/30/22.

2/25/2022 - IMPORTANT NOTICE -Transition from DUNS to UEI
As of April 4, 2022, the 9-digit DUNS (Data Universal Numbering System) number is being replaced by a new 12 character alpha-numeric value, called the Unique Entity Identifier (UEI).  It will now be used as the unique and official identifier for entities doing business with the federal government as well as for tracking and reporting purposes on federal grants awarded to sub-recipients by NYSED.

  • Entities with a DUNS number that are currently registered (active) in the federal System for Award Management ( will automatically be assigned a UEI.  No additional steps will be needed; however, entities must still maintain a current registration in by reviewing their information (registration) annually.
  • Entities with a DUNS number that are not registered in should do so as soon as possible to ensure an UEI is assigned to your agency.  Failure to do so may delay the awarding of funds and/or payments through NYSED. 

To register/obtain a unique entity identifier or update your registration, please visit

For information on the transition and other related resources, please visit the Federal Service Desk website GSA Federal Service Desk Service Portal .

9/23/2021 - 2021-2022 Indirect Cost Rates
Chief Administrative Officers will soon receive letters notifying them of their agency's preliminary 2021-2022 maximum indirect cost rates.  The rates for school districts and BOCES are calculated using ST-3 and SA-111 data for the school year ending June 30, 2020.  The rate for all charter schools and not for profit community-based organizations is 2.7%.  The rate for colleges and universities is 8%.  Charter schools and not for profit CBOs may request a higher rate, up to 8%, by completing the FS-87-R form, available by contacting Grants FinanceAll requests must be received by January 28, 2022.  Additional information about indirect costs is available in the Fiscal Guidelines and in Frequently Asked Questions.  Please direct questions to Grants Finance.

9/13/21 – 2020-21 Federal/State Grant Payments – End of the Year Report
The 2020-21 year-end fiscal reports for Categorical Grants are now available. To review school specific data, select “Reports” then enter BEDS code or SED code.  If neither of these codes are known, select a county and then select the agency and click on the 2020-21 Federal and State Grant Payments End-of -Year Report.  For Child Nutrition and State Aid payments please see the instructions on the Auditor's Notice for Year End 6/30/21. Auditor's Notice for Year End 6/30/21.

07/20/21 – Resumption of Regular Mailings of Local Agency Reports and Notices

In keeping with NY State’s lifting of its COVID-19 restrictions, Grants Finance is continuing its steps to return to standard processes and procedures, many of which were suspended during the requisite protocols imposed by the pandemic.  The latest one involves the resumption of regular mailings of local agency reports and notices. 

Beginning this month, the Quarterly Federal and State Grant Status Report (CF760) will be mailed to local agencies to assist with project management**.  In addition, the monthly dunning notices, called the Important and Final Notices, will be mailed to local agencies to notify them of delinquent final expenditure reports/FS-10Fs.  Please note that the policy of placing a stop payment on an agency due to an outstanding final expenditure report/FS-10F WILL NOT be implemented as local agencies may still be facing some challenges as staff attendance and office procedures return to pre-pandemic standards.  When this policy is re-instated, an updated note will be posted to the website.

** In addition to other reports, the Federal and State Grant Status Report/CF760 is available daily on Grants Finance’s website (  under the tab labeled REPORTS.  However, on a quarterly basis, a hard/paper copy is mailed to local agencies.

9/22/20 – 2019-20 Federal/State Grant Payments – End of the Year Report
The 2019-20 year-end fiscal reports for Categorical Grants are now available. To review school specific data, select “Reports” then enter BEDS code or SED code.  If neither of these codes are known, select a county and then select the agency and click on the 2019-20 Federal and State Grant Payments End-of -Year Report.  For Child Nutrition and State Aid payments please see the instructions on the Auditor's Notice for Year End 6/30/20. Auditor's Notice for Year End 6/30/20.

7/29/20 - 2020-2021 Indirect Cost Rates
Chief Administrative Officers will soon receive letters notifying them of their agency's preliminary 2020-2021 maximum indirect cost rates.  The rates for school districts and BOCES are calculated using ST-3 and SA-111 data for the school year ending June 30, 2019.  The rate for all charter schools and not for profit community-based organizations is 2.6%.  The rate for colleges and universities is 8%.  Charter schools and not for profit CBOs may request a higher rate, up to 8%, by completing the FS-87-R form, available by contacting Grants FinanceAll requests must be received by February 26, 2021.  Additional information about indirect costs is available in the Fiscal Guidelines and in Frequently Asked Questions.  Please direct questions to Grants Finance.


Due to COVID-19 office closures in NY, Grants Finance put temporary procedures in place to accept scanned/electronic documents. Now that in-office operations have resumed, Grants Finance will no longer be accepting documents in this format.  Effective immediately, Grants Finance will only accept paper submissions of fiscal documents with the original signatures as previously required. 

As a reminder:

  • FS-10 Budgets & FS-10A Budget Amendments should be sent to the respective program office in triplicate with original ink signatures from the sub-recipient.
  • FS-25 Request for Payment should be sent directly to Grants Finance from the sub-recipient with original ink signature.
  • FS-10F Final Expenditure Report should be submitted from the sub-recipient to Grants Finance in duplicate with original ink signature.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Grants Finance via or the program’s Fiscal Contact in Grants Finance.  Thank you. 


The New York State Education Department is dedicated to maintaining essential services – including grant payment processing to the local education agencies during the COVID-19 public health emergency.  We are working to process all requests received. Please contact us via e-mail with any urgent matters.

For additional information/guidance regarding COVID-19 and the impact to local education agencies, please visit

02/05/2020 – 2019-20 Allocation Programs – Reminder
As we are now about half way through the school year, it would be a good idea for local agencies receiving allocation funds through NYSED to again carefully review their Allocation Reports to ensure that the maximum available funds are being utilized for their specific programs.  These reports, called the CF365 Reports, are updated nightly and are available for ESSA, IDEA and State programs. Via the agency’s 12-digit BEDS (or SED) Code, these reports provide information regarding TOTAL AVAILABLE funds broken down by CARRYOVER FROM THE PRIOR YEAR (2018-2019), the new 2019-20 ALLOCATION amount*, as well as the amount of the current APPROVED BUDGET (including approved/processed amendments/FS-10As).  Agencies whose APPROVED BUDGET is less than the TOTAL AVAILABLE may access these funds and/or prevent funds from being lost to ‘EXCESS’ (as excess carryover) by submitting FS-10A/Budget Amendments for review and approval to the respective program office so that these funds can be added to the current project for obligation and use.

* When reviewing these reports, please note that for Title I, Parts A and D, allocations are revised annually; they change from preliminary to final, a process that usually occurs sometime during the first quarter of the new year. Currently, the 2019-20 allocation amounts that are listed on the local agency reports for these two programs are preliminary. Once final allocations are determined, they will be posted and accessible via these same local agency reports.

8/21/19 – 2018-19 Federal/State Grant Payments – End of the Year Report
The 2018-19 year-end fiscal reports for Categorical Grants are now available. To review school specific data, select “Reports” then enter BEDS code or SED code.  If neither of these codes are known, select a county and then select the agency and click on the 2018-19 Federal and State Grant Payments End-of -Year Report.  For Child Nutrition and State Aid payments please see the instructions on the Auditor's Notice for Year End 6/30/19. Auditor's Notice for Year End 6/30/19.

8/9/19 - 2019-2020 Indirect Cost Rates
Chief Administrative Officers will soon receive letters notifying them of their agency's preliminary 2019-2020 maximum indirect cost rates.  The rates for school districts and BOCES are calculated using ST-3 and SA-111 data for the school year ending June 30, 2018.  The rate for all charter schools and not for profit community-based organizations is 2.6%.  The rate for colleges and universities is 8%.  Charter schools and not for profit CBOs may request a higher rate, up to 8%, by completing the FS-87-R form, available by contacting Grants FinanceAll requests must be received by January 31, 2020.  Additional information about indirect costs is available in the Fiscal Guidelines and in Frequently Asked Questions.  Please direct questions to Grants Finance.

05/17/19 – 2018-19 Allocation Programs – Reminder
As the current school year draws to a close, local agencies receiving allocation funds through NYSED should again carefully review their Allocation Reports to ensure that the maximum available funds are being utilized for their specific programs.  These reports, called the CF365 Reports, are updated nightly and are available for ESSA, IDEA and State programs. 

Via the agency’s 12-digit BEDS (or SED) Code, these reports provide information regarding TOTAL AVAILABLE funds broken down by CARRYOVER FROM THE PRIOR YEAR (2017-2018), the new 2018-19 ALLOCATION amount, as well as the amount of the current APPROVED BUDGET (including approved/processed amendments/FS-10As).  Agencies whose APPROVED BUDGET is less than the TOTAL AVAILABLE may access these funds and/or prevent funds from being lost to ‘EXCESS’ (as excess carryover) by submitting FS-10A/Budget Amendments for review and approval to the respective program office so that these funds can be added to the current project for obligation and use. 

8/7/18 – 2017-18 Federal/State Grant Payments – End of the Year Report
The 2017-18 year-end fiscal reports for Categorical Grants are now available. To review school specific data, select “Reports” then enter BEDS code or SED code.  If neither of these codes are known, select a county and then select the agency and click on the 2017-18 Federal and State Grant Payments End-of -Year Report.  For Child Nutrition and State Aid payments please see the instructions on the Auditor's Notice for Year End 6/30/18. Auditor's Notice for Year End 6/30/18.

7/27/18 - 2018-2019 Indirect Cost Rates
Chief Administrative Officers will soon receive letters notifying them of their agency's preliminary 2018-2019 maximum indirect cost rates.  The rates for school districts and BOCES are calculated using ST-3 and SA-111 data for the school year ending June 30, 2017.  The rate for all charter schools and not for profit community-based organizations is 2.6%.  The rate for colleges and universities is 8%.  Charter schools and not for profit CBOs may request a higher rate, up to 8%, by completing the FS-87-R form, available by contacting Grants FinanceAll requests must be received by January 25, 2019.  Additional information about indirect costs is available in the Fiscal Guidelines and in Frequently Asked Questions.  Please direct questions to Grants Finance.

07/17/18 – Record Keeping and Retention

In addition to a financial management system to identify and account for Federal and State funded grants/grant-contracts, local agencies must maintain supporting as well as source program and financial documents related to these projects for a period of six years following the last payment unless specified by program requirements or otherwise stated in the grant agreement. Audit or litigation will freeze the clock for records retention purposes until any issues are resolved.  For more information, please refer to the Fiscal Guidelines for Federal and State Funded Grants under Guidance and Information.

3/8/2018 - ATTENTION!  ALLOCATION REPORTS for ESSA, IDEA and State are available to all entities receiving allocational funds from NYSED!!

Via your agency’s 12-digit BEDS (or SED) Code, these reports, which are updated daily, will provide information regarding TOTAL AVAILABLE funds broken down by CARRYOVER FROM 2016-2017 and the new ALLOCATION for 2017-2018, as well as the amount of the current APPROVED BUDGET (including approved/processed amendments/FS-10As).

Entities whose APPROVED BUDGET is less than the TOTAL AVAILABLE may access available funds and/or prevent funds from being lost to ‘EXCESS’ (as excess carryover) by submitting FS-10A Budget Amendment documents for review and approval to the respective program office so that these funds can be added to the current project for obligation and use. Agencies are strongly encouraged to periodically review these reports to ensure that the maximum available funds are being utilized for their specific program.

8/18/17 - 2017-2018 Indirect Cost Rates
Chief Administrative Officers will soon receive letters notifying them of their agency's preliminary 2017-2018 maximum indirect cost rates.  The rates for school districts and BOCES are calculated using ST-3 and SA-111 data for the school year ending June 30, 2016.  The rate for all charter schools and not for profit community-based organizations is 2.6%.  The rate for colleges and universities is 8%.  Charter schools and not for profit CBOs may request a higher rate, up to 8%, by completing the FS-87-R form, available by contacting Grants FinanceAll requests must be received by January 26, 2018.  Additional information about indirect costs is available in the Fiscal Guidelines and in Frequently Asked Questions.  Please direct questions to Grants Finance.

8/11/17 – 2016-17 Federal/State Grant Payments – End of the Year Report
The 2016-17 year-end fiscal reports for Categorical Grants are now available. To review school specific data, select “Reports” then enter BEDS code or SED code.  If neither of these codes are known, select a county and then select the agency and click on the 2016-17 Federal and State Grant Payments End-of -Year Report.  For Child Nutrition and State Aid payments please see the instructions on the Auditor's Notice for Year End 6/30/17. Auditor's Notice for Year End 6/30/17.

3/27/2017 - A New Excel Version of the FS-25
Request for Funds for a Federal or State Project' is now available under Forms.  The new version corrects a formulaic error that was present in the prior version.

8/30/16 - 2016-2017 Indirect Cost Rates
Chief Administrative Officers will soon receive letters notifying them of their agency's 2016-2017 maximum indirect cost rates.  The rates for school districts and BOCES are calculated using ST-3 and SA-111 data for the school year ending June 30, 2015.  The rate for all charter schools and not for profit community-based organizations is 2.6%.  The rate for colleges and universities is 8%.  Charter schools and not for profit CBOs may request a higher rate, up to 8%, by completing the FS-87-R form, available by contacting Grants FinanceAll requests must be received by January 27, 2017.  Additional information about indirect costs is available in the Fiscal Guidelines and in Frequently Asked Questions.  Please direct questions to Grants Finance.

8/30/16 – 2015-16 Federal/State Grant Payments – End of the Year Report
The 2015-16 year-end fiscal reports for Categorical Grants are now available. To review school specific data, select “Reports” then enter BEDS code or SED code.  If neither of these codes are known, select a county and then select the agency and click on the 2015-16 Federal and State Grant Payments End-of -Year Report.  For Child Nutrition and State Aid payments please see the instructions on the Auditor's Notice for Year End 6/30/16. Auditor's Notice for Year End 6/30/16.

All of the forms for Budgets (FS-10), Amendments (FS-10-A), Requests for Payments (FS-25) and Final Expenditure Reports (FS-10-F) were updated last year to reflect the new certification language required under the Federal Uniform Guidance (a.k.a Omni Circular). If your office has either paper or electronic forms from prior to March 2015, please discard them and use the updated forms located at NYSED Grants Finance - Forms.


Last Updated: February 12, 2025