2016 Medicaid Alerts

Medicaid Alert 16-12 16-12 OMIG Compliance Program (33 KB) (posted 12/29/16)
New York State Office of the Medicaid Inspector General (OMIG) Compliance Program Requirements

Medicaid Alert 16-11 16-11 maintain 6N8-ETIN certification (118 KB) (posted 12/29/16)
Continue Certification of 6N8-ETIN for CNYRIC During Transition to Direct Billing

Medicaid Alert 16-10 16-10 state plan amendments (103 KB) (posted 12/13/16)
Medicaid State Plan Amendments to Continue Certified Public Expenditures Have Been Approved

Medicaid Alert 16-09 Medicaid Alert 16-09 SSHSP Direct Billing Questions and Answers posted December 9 2016 (542 KB) (posted 12/9/16)
Questions and Answers to Support Transition to Direct Billing of Preschool/School Supportive Health Services

Medicaid Alert 16-08 Medicaid Alert 16-08 (102 KB) (posted 12/8/16)
SSHSP Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy Evaluation/Reevaluation Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) Code Changes – Interim Process

Medicaid Alert 16-07 medicaid alert 16-07 dated november 8 2016 is about iep ratio methodology and reporting updates (104 KB) (posted 11/8/16)
IEP Ratio Methodology and Reporting Updates

Medicaid Alert 16-06 MA Alert 16-05 special transportation by contracted entity (1,904 KB) (posted 11/3/16)
ePACES Direct Billing Option for SSHSP

Medicaid Alert 16-05 MA Alert 16-05 special transportation by contracted entity (395 KB) (posted 5/24/16)
Record Keeping Requirements for Special Transportation Services Provided by Contracted Entities

Medicaid Alert 16-04 MA Alert 16-04 cnyric expanded eligibility data (223 KB) (posted 5/24/16)
Central New York Regional Information Center (CNYRIC) to Receive Expanded Medicaid Eligibility Data

Medicaid Alert 16-03 medicaid alert 16-03 transition info on billing-claiming dated 4-11-2016 (166 KB) (posted 4/11/16)
Transition Schedule and Resources for Direct Billing of SSHSP Claims

Medicaid Alert 16-02 medicaid claims processing change in school year 16-17 (215 KB) (posted 3/2/16)
SSHSP Claim Processing to Change during 2016-17 School Year

Medicaid Alert 16-01 medicaid alert 16-01 additional guidance on cpe form submission ( 125 KB) (posted 1/19/16)
Additional Information on Submission of 2011-12 and 2012-13 Certified Public Expenditure (CPE) Forms to the New York State Department of Health


Last Updated: October 19, 2017