New York State Education Department (NYSED)
Preschool/School Supportive Health Services Program (SSHSP)
Medicaid in Education
Issue #24-03
To: | All SSHSP Medicaid Providers |
From: | NYS DOH OHIP SSHSP & NYSED Medicaid in Education Unit |
Date: | June 13, 2024 |
Subject: | Random Moment Time Study (RMTS) Upcoming Staff Pool Lists/Calendar Certifications |
The purpose of this Alert is to inform SSHSP providers that the Random Moment Time Study (RMTS) process associated with certified public expenditures (CPEs) will resume on August 26th, 2024. In accordance with CMS guidance, the first-time study period will run August 26th – December 31st for the upcoming school year. This earlier start date is required to capture all teacher/direct service staff workdays from the start of the school year through December 31 with the January through March and April through June periods remaining unchanged.
Districts will need to submit staff pool lists and calendar certifications by Thursday August 15, 2024.
Certification of the staff pool list (SPL) and calendar is an ongoing, quarterly process. Updates to the staff pool list(s) must be made for August-December 2024, even if there are no changes to the current staff pool list. Calendars must be updated for each district to reflect the accurate teacher workdays, excluding days between August 26th and the first teacher work day.
Districts should log into the RTMS system and confirm the RMTS Coordinator contact information is correct or update the new coordinator’s contact information so they receive current notification from PCG that staff pool lists and calendars can be certified. Public Consulting Group LLC (PCG) will be opening the RMTS system for staff pool list and calendar updates as of June 15, 2024.
PCG will be sending the RMTS Coordinator Manual, Coordinator training, Participant training, and a link to a system demonstration (located on the PCG Claiming System Dashboard under “Resources”) to assist you in submitting your staff pool list and calendar certification. Coordinators are encouraged to review the recorded system demonstration before certifying their district’s staff pool lists and calendar.
Staff pool lists and calendar certifications for August-December 2024 are due on August 15, 2024. If staff pool lists and calendar certifications are not submitted by August 15, 2024, PCG will use the last certified and approved staff pool list and calendar that is in the claiming system for the upcoming August-December 2024 period.
If you have any questions or comments regarding this Alert, please contact the NYS Department of Health at (518) 473-2160 or at SSHSP@health.ny.gov, the NYS Education Department, Medicaid Unit at medined@nysed.gov.