New York State Education Department (NYSED)
Preschool/School Supportive Health Services Program (SSHSP)
Medicaid in Education
Issue #24-10
To: | All SSHSP Medicaid Providers |
From: | NYS DOH OHIP SSHSP & NYSED Medicaid in Education Unit |
Date: | December 23, 2024 |
Subject: | Resume Medicaid claiming |
The purpose of this Alert is to inform SSHSP providers that eMedNY claim editing logic has been corrected, prior denied claims were reprocessed, and providers may resume claiming for physical, occupational and speech therapy to Medicaid.
SSHSP providers will be granted a 3-month extension to the timely filing limit for therapy service claims due to
the temporary hold on claiming issued on October 9, 2024. This extension will end on February 28, 2025. At
which time all claims will need to be submitted within 15-months of the date of service in accordance to
Medicaid Alert #19-02.
If you have any questions or comments regarding this Alert, please contact the NYS Department of Health at (518) 473-2160 or at SSHSP@health.ny.gov, the NYS Education Department, Medicaid Unit at medined@nysed.gov.