2017-18 Excess Teacher Turnover Prevention Program
School-Age Programs & Preschool Programs ("0426" and "0427")
The 2017-18 Excessive Teacher Turnover Prevention Program (ETTPP) awards have been released. RSU will not be mailing hard copies of award letters to every agency/provider. Please find the award letter, award listing and required usage forms below.
Department Memo (550 KB)
- 2017-18 "0427" Award (22 KB)
- 2016-17 "0426" Award (23 KB)
Usage forms can be emailed to RSU-ETTPG@nysed.gov upon CFR submission. For questions regarding the 2017-18 ETTPP please call or email Katie Campbell at 518-486-2881 or catherine.campbell@nysed.gov.
Last Updated:
July 31, 2022