2020-21 Public School Median Salaries

BEDS Median Salaries For Use With 2019-20 Prospective Tuition Rates

BEDS Code BEDS Region Superintendent Assistant Superintendent
1 NEW YORK CITY $225,197 $179,108
2 NASSAU-SUFFOLK $231,888 $181,372
3 MID-HUDSON $216,491 $185,317
4 UPPER HUDSON $177,141 $155,484
5 LAKE CHAMPLAIN-LAKE GEORGE $172,809 $139,183
6 BLACK RIVER-ST. LAWRENCE $151,718 $141,721
7 UPPER MOHAWK VALLEY $161,254 $131,288
8 CENTRAL $183,170 $144,030
9 SOUTHERN TIER-EAST $172,132 $135,884
10 SOUTHERN TIER-CENTRAL $177,529 $153,694
11 SOUTHERN TIER-WEST $154,810 $122,590
12 GENESEE-FINGER LAKES $180,158 $156,230
13 WESTERN $179,387 $156,363


Statewide Public Fringe Benefit Rate =62.39%

Positions Subject to Median Analysis:

Median Title

Position Code and Title

Superintendent Median

601 Executive Director

Assistant Superintendent

602 Assistant Executive Director

603 Controller

Last Updated: November 18, 2021