4410 Evaluation AVL File Specifications
These are the file specifications for the 4410
Evaluation AVL MASTER FILE LAYOUT. This is the file that is sent to
counties participating in the 4410 evaluation electronic AVL process.
It is also the file that the counties return to SED to make their AVL
claim. When SED sends this file to the counties, the file will contain
one record for every evaluation line printed on the paper AVL. When the
file is returned to SED, the file should contain every record that was
sent to the county. By processing this file with county records, the county
can fill in the fields that SED needs to process your claims. These fields
begin with C-RET-. After these fields are filled in, this file can be
returned to SED. All fields not updated by the county should be returned
to SED with the same values that were sent to the county. (Note: If you
fill in C-RET-VERIFICATION with "N" (meaning youre not
claiming the record), then no other C-RET- fields need be filled in.
Fields Completed by SED
- C-COUNTY. Two character code value for your county.
- C-REF-NUM. This is the reference number for the AVL. The first two characters will = the year of the AVL, and the last two characters will = the number of the AVL. For example, the third AVL from the 1999-00 school year would have a reference number of "9903".
- C-SERVICE-ID. The first six characters of this 10 character field are the STAC-ID, a numeric, unique ID assigned to each child in the STAC system. Each child should have only 1 STAC-ID throughout his/her entire STAC history. The next 2 characters (columns 7-8) represent the first year of the school year. For example, for the 1999-00 school year these 2 characters would = "99". The next two characters (columns 9-10) represent the Evaluation-Number. This 2 digit numeric field along with the STAC-ID and School-Year uniquely identify an evaluation.
- C-LAST. Last-Name consist of alpha characters only. No numbers, special characters or imbedded spaces are allowed.
- C- FIRST. First-Name consist of alpha characters only. No numbers, special characters or imbedded spaces are allowed.
- C-PROVIDER. This is SEDs 12 character Provider-Code. This code can be found on SEDs
Program-File (aka Agency-File) which can downloaded from STACs web site at
download_agency_provider_info/home.html. - C-PRO-COST. Prorated-Cost. This field holds the accumulated total for all Evaluation components for this unique STAC-ID/Evaluation Number
- C-YTD-PAID. Year-to-Date paid for the service at 100% (Actual reimbursement to counties is 59.5%)
- C-AMT-AVAIL. Amount available for the county to claim on this AVL.
- C-ISSUE-DATE. This is the date that the AVL was generated in CCYYMMDD format.
- C-DATE-RETURN. This is the date (in CCYYMMDD format) by which the AVL must be returned to SED in order to be reimbursed for the payment cycle.
Fields That the County May Update
- C-RET-PAID-THRU. This is the eight character Paid-Through date in CCYYMMDD format. When
SED sends you this file, this date will = the date through which you can claim. For the first AVL, this will
= CCYY0228 (or CCYY0229). The second AVL will = CCYY0430 and the third AVL onward will = CCYY0630.
When you return the file to SED, fill in the date through which you are claiming. This date may not exceed the date that SED sends you. If it does, SED will cut the date you send back to the date that SED originally sent you. - C-RET-AMT-PAID. This is the amount that the county paid for the childs service from the beginning of the school year through RET-THRU-DATE (minus year-to-date-paid). This amount may not exceed C-AMT-AVAIL (field # 9). If it does exceed this amount, then SED will cut the amount back to = C-AMT-AVAIL. If C-AMT-AVAIL is negative, due to a recoup or withdraw, then SED will move C-AMT-AVAIL into this field. So, when you see that the record is a Recoup or Withdraw(C-RCP-WTHD-STATUS (field#16) = "R" or "W"), then ignore the record and return to SED as is.
- C-RET-DATE-PAID OCCURS 10 TIMES. Send us every Date-Paid for this service for the time-period being claimed. The date is in the CCYYMMDD format.
- C-RET-VERIFICATION. Enter "Y" if you are claiming payment for this service. If C-RCP-WTHD-STATUS (field 16) = "R" or "W" for Recoup or Withdraw, then this field should = a space. Otherwise, enter an "N".
- C-RCP-WTHD-STATUS. If the record has been withdrawn, this field will = a "W". If this transaction is a recoup (C-AMT-AVAIL is negative), then this field will = "R". Otherwise this field will be blank.
- C-PAGE. This will = the page number from the paper AVL.
- C-OCCURRENCE. This will = the occurrence that this service is printed on the page of the paper AVL. Value will = 01 through 10.
- C-OUTSIDE-ID. If an outside agencys ID is stored on the STAC system, then that value will be in this field.
- C-DATE-OF-BIRTH. Childs Date of Birth in CCYYMMDD format.
- END-OF-REC-MARKER. Always = 0 (zero).