January 2019 Electronic Submittal Memo

To: Authorized Municipality Representatives - § 4410 of Education Law
School District Representatives
From: Sheila Costa, Education Finance Specialist 2
Date: January 30, 2019
Subject: Changes to Electronic Submittal of STAC-5s and STAC-1s pdf file

The STAC and Medicaid Unit is automating the Electronic Submittal of STAC-5s (EVAL FTP files) and STAC-1s (SERV FTP files), reducing turnaround times dramatically from 2-3 weeks to one business day. To ensure a smooth transition, the following calendar has been provided as guidance:

Date Description
February 15, 2019 Last date for submission of EVAL & SERV FTP files under the current process.
February 16-24, 2019 BLACKOUT PERIOD – EVAL & SERV FTP files WILL NOT be accepted for processing during this timeframe.

Note: EVAL & SERV FTP file notifications received at STAC during this timeframe will be returned with a reply to resubmit the file for processing under the new requirements after the Blackout Period.
February 25, 2019 First date for submission of EFH616 (DKIDS)/EVAL/SERV FTP files utilizing the updated FTP file requirements.

Note: EVAL/SERV FTP files submitted from this date and into the future will require a STAC ID for each record.

The creation of STAC IDs and the processing of EVAL & SERV FTP files are being separated into two discrete processes.

Electronic Submittal of New Child Records Via FTP (for DKIDS STAC child information):

Electronic Submittal of STAC-5s and STAC-1s:

The "Electronic Submittal of New Child Records Via FTP (for DKIDS STAC child information)" is a new process that will identify and establish STAC IDs via FTP.

The current EVAL & SERV FTP file requirements will be amended to require a STAC ID for each record listed in a file.

New naming conventions have been created for all three file types and are as follows:

  • EFH616 (DKIDS):
    File Naming Convention (Municipalities): XXXX_EFH616_01_YYYYMMDD.TXT
    File Naming Convention (School Districts): 000000_EFH616_01_YYYYMMDD.TXT
  • EVAL:
    File Naming Convention (Municipalities): XXXX_EVAL_01_YYYYMMDD.TXT
  • SERV:
    File Naming Convention (Municipalities): XXXX_SERV_01_YYYYMMDD.TXT
    File Naming Convention (School Districts): 000000_SERV_01_YYYYMMDD.TXT

    …where XXXX is the first four letters of the county name; 000000 is the first six digits of the school district SED Code; 01 is the number of the file submitted (up to five, resets daily); and YYYYMMDD is the date the file was submitted in year, month, day format.

During the Blackout period, STAC will continue to manually process any outstanding FTP files submitted with an upload date of February 15, 2019 or prior. IDISSUES spreadsheets received as a result of processing these files should be completed and returned to STAC as soon as possible.

After the new FTP file requirements go into effect on February 25, 2019, EFH616 (DKIDS) files along with EVAL & SERV FTP files uploaded to your GoAnywhere Inbasket by 9:00 PM each day will be processed, and the results returned in your GoAnywhere Outbasket overnight.

Note: Files that do not conform to the new naming conventions will not be recognized by our system. Files that are not recognized by our system will not be processed.

If you have questions regarding this process, please contact Robert.Wojtkiewicz@nysed.gov.

Last Updated: August 21, 2019