Guidelines for Submitting Public In-District/BOCES High Cost Worksheets Electronically


The file worksheet, described in the attached file layout, must be used for all data transfer with SED concerning high cost worksheets supporting costs for special education services provided by the student's home school district or a BOCES. No particular worksheet will require the use of all the data fields. Below you will find a list of the data fields necessary for SED to process high cost worksheets for in-district and BOCES 10-month placements.

Record Information:

  1. HCPUB-STAC-ID - Required. Student's STAC ID. This is the six digit unique identification number for all children on the STAC system.
  2. HCPUB-YR-SCH - Required. School Year of Enrollment. Two consecutive two digit years. For example, the 1996-97 school year would be represented by 9697.
  3. HCPUB-NUM-REC - Required. Record Number. This two digit field uniquely identifies the child’s service.

Student Information:

  1. HKIDS-LAST-NAME - Required. Student's Last Name. Last names with imbedded spaces or special characters will be rejected. For example, send O’RILEY as ORILEY. Send VAN SCHAIK as VANSCHAIK. Send JONES-SMITH as JONESSMITH. Do not include any suffixes such as JR. or III.
  2. HKIDS-FIRST-NAME - Required. Student's First Name. First names with imbedded spaces or special characters will be rejected. For example, send BILLY BOB as BILLYBOB.
  3. HKIDS-MID-INIT - Optional. Student's Middle Initial. If entered, must be an alpha character.
  4. HKIDS-DT-BIRTH - Required. Child's date of birth in Century (ie. 20), year, month, day order.
  5. HKIDS-SEX - Optional. Student's Gender. "M" or "F".
  6. HKIDS-RAC-ETH - Optional. Student's Race/Ethnicity
  7. Value Description
    IAmerican Indian or Alaskan Native
    AAsian or Pacific Islander
    BBlack or African American
    HHispanic or Latino
    UTwo or more Races
  8. HKIDS-STUDENT-ID - Optional. Student's Outside ID (if applicable)

Placement Information:

  1. HPLAC-LEA-CODE - Required. CSE District's 12-digit SED Code
  2. HSERV-CD-PROV - Required. Education Provider's 12-digit SED Code
  3. HSERV-CD-PROG - Required. This is the education program code. This code along with the Agency (Education Provider) code and STAC code define the program. This code can be obtained from the Agency Provider Information link below.
  4. HSERV-CD-STAC - Required. This is the education program code. This code along with the Agency (Education Provider) code and STAC code define the program. This code can be obtained from the Agency Provider Information link below.
  5. HSERV-RATE-ANN - Optional. 10-Month Annualized Cost. Must be a numeric right justified field with the 2 rightmost digits being the decimal places. Decimal places are required - enter 00 if there are no cents. The decimal point is implied - DO NOT include a decimal point in this field.
  6. HSERV-DT-BEGIN - Required. Begin date of service in CC, YY, MM, DD order.
  7. HSERV-DT-END - Required. End date of Service in CC, YY, MM, DD order.

Section I. BOCES:

  1. HCPUB-RATE-ANN-B - Optional. BOCES 10-Month Annualized Cost (from Year-End Final Cost Report)

Section II-A. InDistrict Classroom - Full Day Self-Contained Special Education Classroom:

  1. HCPUB-NUM-STUD - Optional. IEP Ratio: Number of Students
  2. HCPUB-NUM-TCHR - Optional. IEP Ratio: Number of Teachers
  3. HCPUB-NUM-PARA - Optional. IEP Ratio: Number of Classroom Paraprofessionals
  4. HCPUB-NUM-SE-STU - Optional. Actual Students in Class
  5. HCPUB-T-SAL-COST - Optional. Special Ed Teachers: Classroom Salaries
  6. HCPUB-T-BEN-COST - Optional. Special Ed Teachers: Classroom Fringe Benefits
  7. HCPUB-A-SAL-COST - Optional. Classroom Aides/T.A.s: Classroom Salaries
  8. HCPUB-A-BEN-COST - Optional. Classroom Aides/T.A.s: Classroom Fringe Benefits

Section II-B. InDistrict Classroom - Period-Based Special Education Placements

Row 1:

  1. HCPUB-PLAC-TYP1 - Optional. Placement Type
    Value Description
    APEAdaptive Phys Ed
    CTSConsultant Teacher Services
    RRResource Room
  2. HCPUB-TSAL-COST1 - Optional. Spec. Ed Teachers/Classrooms Aides: Total Salaries
  3. HCPUB-TFRI-COST1 - Optional. Spec. Ed Teachers/Classrooms Aides: Total Fringe
  4. HCPUB-PER-DAY-1 - Optional. Teacher Work Day (Exclude Lunch) Length in Mins
  5. HCPUB-GRP-SIZE7 - Optional. Group Size
  6. HCPUB-N-PERIOD1 - Optional. Sessions Per Cycle
  7. HCPUB-PER-LEN-1 - Optional. Session Length (Mins)
  8. HCPUB-FREQ1 - Optional. Frequency
    Value Description
    180Daily Cycle
    40Weekly Cycle
    306-Day Cycle
    454-Day Cycle

Row 2:

  1. HCPUB-PLAC-TYP2 - Optional. Placement Type. Accepts same values as HCPUB-PLAC-TYP1.
  2. HCPUB-TSAL-COST2 - Optional. Spec. Ed Teachers/Classrooms Aides: Total Salaries
  3. HCPUB-TFRI-COST2 - Optional. Spec. Ed Teachers/Classrooms Aides: Total Fringe
  4. HCPUB-PER-DAY-2 - Optional. Teacher Work Day (Exclude Lunch) Length in Mins
  5. HCPUB-GRP-SIZE8 - Optional. Group Size
  6. HCPUB-N-PERIOD2 - Optional. Sessions Per Cycle
  7. HCPUB-PER-LEN-2 - Optional. Session Length (Mins)
  8. HCPUB-FREQ2 - Optional. Frequency. Accepts same values as HCPUB-FREQ1.

Row 3:

  1. HCPUB-PLAC-TYP3 - Optional. Placement Type. Accepts same values as HCPUB-PLAC-TYP1.
  2. HCPUB-TSAL-COST3 - Optional. Spec. Ed Teachers/Classrooms Aides: Total Salaries
  3. HCPUB-TFRI-COST3 - Optional. Spec. Ed Teachers/Classrooms Aides: Total Fringe
  4. HCPUB-PER-DAY-3 - Optional. Teacher Work Day (Exclude Lunch) Length in Mins
  5. HCPUB-GRP-SIZE9 - Optional. Group Size
  6. HCPUB-N-PERIOD3 - Optional. Sessions Per Cycle
  7. HCPUB-PER-LEN-3 - Optional. Session Length (Mins)
  8. HCPUB-FREQ3 - Optional. Frequency. Accepts same values as HCPUB-FREQ1.

Row 4:

  1. HCPUB-PLAC-TYP4 - Optional. Placement Type. Accepts same values as HCPUB-PLAC-TYP1.
  2. HCPUB-TSAL-COST4 - Optional. Spec. Ed Teachers/Classrooms Aides: Total Salaries
  3. HCPUB-TFRI-COST4 - Optional. Spec. Ed Teachers/Classrooms Aides: Total Fringe
  4. HCPUB-PER-DAY-4 - Optional. Teacher Work Day (Exclude Lunch) Length in Mins
  5. HCPUB-GRP-SIZE10 - Optional. Group Size
  6. HCPUB-N-PERIOD4 - Optional. Sessions Per Cycle
  7. HCPUB-PER-LEN-4 - Optional. Session Length (Mins)
  8. HCPUB-FREQ4 - Optional. Frequency. Accepts same values as HCPUB-FREQ1.

Row 5:

  1. HCPUB-PLAC-TYP5 - Optional. Placement Type. Accepts same values as HCPUB-PLAC-TYP1.
  2. HCPUB-TSAL-COST5 - Optional. Spec. Ed Teachers/Classrooms Aides: Total Salaries
  3. HCPUB-TFRI-COST5 - Optional. Spec. Ed Teachers/Classrooms Aides: Total Fringe
  4. HCPUB-PER-DAY-5 - Optional. Teacher Work Day (Exclude Lunch) Length in Mins
  5. HCPUB-GRP-SIZE11 - Optional. Group Size
  6. HCPUB-N-PERIOD5 - Optional. Sessions Per Cycle
  7. HCPUB-PER-LEN-5 - Optional. Session Length (Mins)
  8. HCPUB-FREQ5 - Optional. Frequency. Accepts same values as HCPUB-FREQ1.

Row 6:

  1. HCPUB-PLAC-TYP6 - Optional. Placement Type. Accepts same values as HCPUB-PLAC-TYP1.
  2. HCPUB-TSAL-COST6 - Optional. Spec. Ed Teachers/Classrooms Aides: Total Salaries
  3. HCPUB-TFRI-COST6 - Optional. Spec. Ed Teachers/Classrooms Aides: Total Fringe
  4. HCPUB-PER-DAY-6 - Optional. Teacher Work Day (Exclude Lunch) Length in Mins
  5. HCPUB-GRP-SIZE12 - Optional. Group Size
  6. HCPUB-N-PERIOD6 - Optional. Sessions Per Cycle
  7. HCPUB-PER-LEN-6 - Optional. Session Length (Mins)
  8. HCPUB-FREQ6 - Optional. Frequency. Accepts same values as HCPUB-FREQ1.

Additional Costs:

  1. HCPUB-CR-O-COST - Optional. Additional Special Education Classroom Costs

Section III. Child-Specific 1:1 Aide/Shared Aide/Nurse/Interpreter

Row 1:

  1. HCPUB-TYP-AIDE - Optional. Type of 1:1
    Value Description
    AAide/Teaching Asst
  2. HCPUB-SAL-COST1 - Optional. Annual Salary
  3. HCPUB-FRING-CST1 - Optional. Annual Fringe
  4. HCPUB-NUM-SERV1 - Optional. # of Students Served

Row 2:

  1. HCPUB-TYP-AIDE2 - Optional. Type of 1:1. Accepts same values as HCPUB-TYP-AIDE.
  2. HCPUB-SAL-COST2 - Optional. Annual Salary
  3. HCPUB-FRING-CST2 - Optional. Annual Fringe
  4. HCPUB-NUM-SERV2 - Optional. # of Students Served

Section IV. Related/Other Services

Row 1:

  1. HCPUB-TYP-SERV1 - Optional. Service Type
    Value Description
    ABAABA/Behavior Intervention
    APEDAdaptive Phys Ed
    AUDAudiological/Hearing Therapy
    CTSConsultant Teacher Services
    CSLCounseling Services
    JCJob Coaching
    MUSMusic Therapy
    NURSSkilled Nursing
    OTOccupational Therapy
    OMOrientation and Mobility
    PNTParent Training
    PTPhysical Therapy
    PSYPsychological Therapy
    SOCSocial Work
    ICTSpec Ed - Integ Co-teaching
    RESRSpec Ed - Add'l/Resource Room
    SLTSpeech/Language Therapy
    TSTransition Services
    TDFTeacher for the Deaf
    VISUVisually Impaired Services
    OTHOther -- Explain in Comments
  2. HCPUB-PTYP-SERV1 - Optional. Provider Type
    Value Description
    BBOCES Extra
    OOther Provider
  3. HCPUB-LEN-SESS1 - Optional. Length of Sessions (Mins)
  4. HCPUB-T-COST-S1 - Optional. Total Cost Per Session
  5. HCPUB-GRP-SIZE - Optional. Group Size
  6. HCPUB-NUM-SESS - Optional. Actual Sessions

Row 2:

  1. HCPUB-TYP-SERV2 - Optional. Service Type. Accepts same values as HCPUB-TYP-SERV1.
  2. HCPUB-PTYP-SERV2 - Optional. Provider Type. Accepts same values as HCPUB-PTYP-SERV1.
  3. HCPUB-LEN-SESS2 - Optional. Length of Sessions (Mins)
  4. HCPUB-T-COST-S2 - Optional. Total Cost Per Session
  5. HCPUB-GRP-SIZE2 - Optional. Group Size
  6. HCPUB-NUM-SESS2 - Optional. Actual Sessions

Row 3:

  1. HCPUB-TYP-SERV3 - Optional. Service Type. Accepts same values as HCPUB-TYP-SERV1.
  2. HCPUB-PTYP-SERV3 - Optional. Provider Type. Accepts same values as HCPUB-PTYP-SERV1.
  3. HCPUB-LEN-SESS3 - Optional. Length of Sessions (Mins)
  4. HCPUB-T-COST-S3 - Optional. Total Cost Per Session
  5. HCPUB-GRP-SIZE3 - Optional. Group Size
  6. HCPUB-NUM-SESS3 - Optional. Actual Sessions

Row 4:

  1. HCPUB-TYP-SERV4 - Optional. Service Type. Accepts same values as HCPUB-TYP-SERV1.
  2. HCPUB-PTYP-SERV4 - Optional. Provider Type. Accepts same values as HCPUB-PTYP-SERV1.
  3. HCPUB-LEN-SESS4 - Optional. Length of Sessions (Mins)
  4. HCPUB-T-COST-S4 - Optional. Total Cost Per Session
  5. HCPUB-GRP-SIZE4 - Optional. Group Size
  6. HCPUB-NUM-SESS4 - Optional. Actual Sessions

Row 5:

  1. HCPUB-TYP-SERV5 - Optional. Service Type. Accepts same values as HCPUB-TYP-SERV1.
  2. HCPUB-PTYP-SERV5 - Optional. Provider Type. Accepts same values as HCPUB-PTYP-SERV1.
  3. HCPUB-LEN-SESS5 - Optional. Length of Sessions (Mins)
  4. HCPUB-T-COST-S5 - Optional. Total Cost Per Session
  5. HCPUB-GRP-SIZE5 - Optional. Group Size
  6. HCPUB-NUM-SESS5 - Optional. Actual Sessions

Row 6:

  1. HCPUB-TYP-SERV6 - Optional. Service Type. Accepts same values as HCPUB-TYP-SERV1.
  2. HCPUB-PTYP-SERV6 - Optional. Provider Type. Accepts same values as HCPUB-PTYP-SERV1.
  3. HCPUB-LEN-SESS6 - Optional. Length of Sessions (Mins)
  4. HCPUB-T-COST-S6 - Optional. Total Cost Per Session
  5. HCPUB-GRP-SIZE6 - Optional. Group Size
  6. HCPUB-NUM-SESS6 - Optional. Actual Sessions

Additional Services:

  1. HCPUB-B-O-COST - Optional. Additional Related Services: BOCES Extra
  2. HCPUB-D-O-COST - Optional. Additional Related Services: District
  3. HCPUB-OP-O-COST - Optional. Additional Related Services: Other Provider

Section V. Other Child Specific Costs:

  1. HCPUB-COST-CATE - Optional. Cost Category
    Value Description
    COCONSULT -- Explain in Comments
    OTOTHER -- Explain in Comments
  2. HCPUB-ADD-INFO - Optional. Additional Information
  3. HCPUB-OTH-CH-CST - Optional. Total Other Child Specific Costs


  1. HCPUB-COMMENT1 - Optional. Comments: Row 1
  2. HCPUB-COMMENT2 - Optional. Comments: Row 2
  3. HCPUB-NAM-CNTCT - Required. District Contact information: Contact Name
  4. HCPUB-ADR-EMAIL - Required. District Contact information: E-mail Address
  5. HCPUB-PHONE - Required. District Contact information: Phone#

Processing Information:

  1. SRV-TR-USERID - Required. This eight character field must be a valid EFRT Usercode. The corresponding HPLAC-LEA-CODE on this record must match the LEA Code that the STAC Unit has recorded for this EFRT Usercode.
Last Updated: August 23, 2022