Annual District Signature Authorization Memo

To: Authorized Municipality Representatives Pursuant to §4410 of the Education Law
From: Nicholas Thayer, Education Finance Specialist 2
Date: April 2, 2024
Subject: Electronic Transmission of School District Preschool STAC Data pdf file

This memo is a reminder of the annual process of collecting preschool signature authorizations from your school districts.

It is the county’s responsibility to receive a signature authorization form from each of their individual school districts. This authorization allows the county to electronically transmit preschool information to the STAC and Medicaid Unit, either by using the online reimbursement system or via electronic file transfer. Attached is a suggested format for school districts to use. This authorization should be submitted to the county on district letterhead.

Each county is responsible for maintaining the proper documentation from the Committee on Preschool Education (CPSE) to support claims for reimbursement of evaluations or services provided to preschoolers. This includes the signature authorization forms from their respective districts. Please do not forward the signature authorization forms to the STAC and Medicaid Unit.

As stated above, this authorization process is an annual process and signature authorization should be in place before electronically transmitting school district preschool STAC data for any given year.

Questions about this process should be directed to Nicholas Thayer -

Attachment: Annual District Signature Sample Authorization Letter pdf file

Last Updated: April 2, 2024