Contact Us

Phone:  (518) 474-4815
Fax:  (518) 486-4899

Mailing Address: Grants Finance
Room 510W EB
89 Washington Avenue
Albany, New York  12234

Grants Finance is responsible for the financial management of over $3.5 billion dollars supporting approximately 12,000 State and federal grants annually. Grants are awarded to over 3,500 local agencies, including public school districts, charter schools, nonpublic schools, Boards of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES), municipalities, post-secondary institutions, private not-for-profit organizations, community based organizations and library systems.

Our website offers a great deal of guidance and other information regarding procedures and policies pertaining to State and federal grants. If you have further questions or need assistance, please contact one of our finance policy managers.

We also offer continuously-updated reports for each agency receiving a grant from the Department. If you have questions about the information presented in the reports, please contact our office.


Last Updated: March 31, 2017