2013 Medicaid Alerts

Medicaid Alert 13-16 MA Alert 13-13 (76 KB) (posted 12/18/13)
Speech Evaluation CPT Code Changes - Interim Process

Medicaid Alert 13-15 MA Alert 13-13 (221 KB) (posted 12/10/13)
2012-13 SSHSP Medicaid Cost Report Update
Attachment - Supplemental Form

Medicaid Alert 13-14 MA Alert 13-13 (24 KB) (posted 11/18/13)
Timely Submission of SSHSP Medicaid Claims - Extension

Medicaid Alert 13-13 MA Alert 13-13 (18 KB) (posted 11/7/13)
Suspension of Medicaid Administrative Claiming (MAC) RMTS

Medicaid Alert 13-12 13-12 MA Alert (125 KB) (REVISED-posted 11/8/13)
SSHSP Cost Report WebEx (online) required training dates for those involved in the completion of the cost report. The training will include an overview of several key updates to MCRCS and the SSHSP cost reporting methodology.

  • Public Consulting Group, Inc. (PCG) has scheduled two additional webinar training sessions for those school districts and counties that have yet to participate. Learn more on each session here. (PDF) (46 KB) (posted 11/27/13)

Medicaid Alert 13-11 13-12 MA Alert (68 KB) (posted 11/7/13)
SSHSP Cost Report - Establishment of the IEP Ratio
Attachment 1 - IEP Ratio Uploading Instructions
IEP Ratio Student List Submission - Deadline Extended iep ratio student list submission update deadline extended (63 KB) (posted 12/5/13)

Medicaid Alert 13-10 medicaid alert 13-10 clarification for transportation (76 KB) (posted 8/28/13)
Clarification of Federal Guidelines for Medicaid Reimbursement of Transportation for SSHSP

Medicaid Alert 13-09 psychotherapy cpt code updates plus new group occupational therapy rate code (375 KB) (REVISED-posted 8/19/13)
Effective for dates of service on or after 9/1/13: Update to SSHSP CPT Codes (Handout 5) includes crosswalk for psychotherapy codes, and new rate code for group occupational therapy

Medicaid Alert 13-08 update on physical therapy qualifications for sshsp (68 KB) (posted 7/24/13)
Update on Physical Therapist Qualifications for the Preschool/School Supportive Health Services Program

Medicaid Alert 13-07 (66.90 KB) (posted 6/24/13 - REVISED 9/5/13)
NYS Medicaid provider enrollment requirement for providers who order/refer in the SSHS program

Medicaid Alert 13-06 SSHSP and 4201 Schools (38 KB) (posted 6/17/13)
SSHSP and §4201 Schools

Medicaid Alert 13-05 Medicaid Alert 13_05 (73 KB) (posted 6/5/13)
Timely Submission of SSHSP Medicaid Claims-Guidelines effective December 1, 2013
Revised 2013 Medicaid Claiming Calendar revised 2013 medicaid claiming calendar (10 KB) (posted 6/5/13)

Medicaid Alert 13-04 Medicaid Alert 13-04 (38 KB) (posted 4/4/13)
Requirement to Report Ordering/Referring Provider’s National Provider Identifier (NPI) on SSHSP Medicaid Claims

Medicaid Alert 13-03 MA Alert 13-03 (56 KB) (posted 02/14/13)
SSHSP Cost Reporting Deadline Extended to March 15, 2013

Medicaid Alert 13-02 (35.1 KB) (posted 02/07/13)
Psychological Evaluation & Counseling CPT Code Changes - Interim Process

Medicaid Alert 13-01 MAC Alert (184 KB) (posted 02/06/13)
Medicaid Administrative Claiming





Last Updated: November 15, 2021