News and Announcements
School Supportive Health Services Program
Preschool Supportive Health Services Program
Updated Questions & Answers are as of December 9, 2016; please click on the link provided to view. To facilitate searching by keywords, the separately issued Questions & Answers have also been posted in a single document, Combined Questions & Answers.
Provider Policy and Billing Handbook is issued as of July 2024. Please note this updated handbook replaces the guidebook currently in use.
SSHSP Technical Support (Word) (117 KB) (posted 06/06/22)
- Medicaid Alert 24-10 (HTML) (posted 12/23/24)
Resume Medicaid claiming - Medicaid Alert 24-09 (HTML) (posted 12/04/24)
Update Regarding temporary pause on submitting Medicaid claims - Medicaid Alert 24-08 (HTML) (posted 11/20/24)
Random Moment Time Study (RMTS) Upcoming Staff Pool Lists/Calendar Certifications - Medicaid Alert 24-07 (HTML) (posted 10/09/24)
Effective Immediately – Temporary pause on submitting Medicaid claims for physical, occupational and speech therapy to eMedNY - Medicaid Alert 24-06 (HTML) (posted 09/13/24)
National Provider Identifier (NPI) Reporting Requirements Reminder for SSHSP Medicaid Claims - Medicaid Alert 24-05 (HTML) (posted 09/13/24)
Claiming Window for SSHSP Medicaid Claims - Medicaid Alert 24-04 (HTML) (posted 06/17/24)
Special Transportation - Medicaid Alert 24-03 (HTML) (posted 06/13/24)
Random Moment Time Study (RMTS) Upcoming Staff Pool Lists/Calendar Certifications - Medicaid Alert 24-02 (HTML) (posted 05/13/24)
2022-23 Certified Public Expenditure (CPE) Cost Report Timeline - Medicaid Alert 24-01 (HTML) (posted 02/14/24)
Random Moment Time Study (RMTS) Upcoming Staff Pool Lists/Calendar Certifications for the Rest of State (ROS)
Compliance Program Resources
If you have any questions, please contact OMIG’s Bureau of Compliance at (518) 408-0401 or
Introducation to SSHSP (Medicaid 101) training is available via WebEx. To request a copy of the current presentation send an email to the Med-in-Ed emailbox.
The School Supportive Health Services Program (SSHSP) allows the school district to access Medicaid funding for services that it must provide at the school as part of the normal school day under federal and state education law, it is not a separate program from the rest of Medicaid. If the child needs a service at 9:00 in the evening (or on a weekend), a provider can bill for that service even though the school district billed for a similar service provided at 1:00 in the afternoon.
There is no edit or other systems process that would prevent paying a claim to a Medicaid provider on the same day or even the same month that the school district billed Medicaid for a medical service provided to a Medicaid eligible child.