Guidelines for Submitting Incarcerated Youth Approvals Electronically

NYS Department of Education


 The file Service-Trans, described in the attached file layout, must be used for all data transfer with SED concerning approval of all handicapped child services. No particular service will require the use of all the data fields. Below you will find a list of the data fields necessary for SED to process Incarcerated service approvals.

Record Information:

  1. SRV-TR-STAC-ID – Optional if you are sending a STAC-1. Required if you are sending a STAC-3 amendment, a withdraw or a reapplication. This is the six digit unique identification number for all children on the STAC system. If you are sending a STAC-1 and you know the value of this field for this child, please include it on your transaction. This will save SED from having to match the child by name and DOB. If the child has not appeared on the STAC system before, SED will create a new and unique STAC-ID for the child.
  2. SRV-TR-YEAR - Required. Two consecutive two digit years. For example, the 1996-97 school year would be represented by 9697.
  3. SRV-TR-REC-NO – Required for STAC-3 amendments, withdraws. (Optional for reapplications). This two digit field uniquely identifies the child’s service.

Student Information:

  1. SRV-TR-LNAME - Required. Child’s last name. Last names with imbedded spaces or special characters will be rejected. For example, send O’RILEY as ORILEY. Send VAN SCHAIK as VANSCHAIK. Send JONES-SMITH as JONESSMITH. Do not include any suffixes such as JR. or III.
  2. SRV-TR-FNAME - Required. Child’s first name. First names with imbedded spaces or special characters will be rejected. For example, send BILLY BOB as BILLYBOB.
  3. SRV-TR-MI - Optional. Child’s middle initial. If entered, must be an alpha character.
  4. SRV-TR-DOB - Required. Child’s date of birth in Century (IE 19 until year 2000 when it will be 20), year, month, day order.
  5. SRV-TR-SEX - Required. "M" or "F".
  6. SRV-TR-RAC-ETH - Required. Racial-Ethnic indicator
    Value Description
    A American Native
    B Black
    A Asian
    H Hispanic
    C Caucasian
    U Unknown
  7. SRV-TR-OUTSIDE-ID - Optional. Child’s unique ID number on your system. Must be left-justified and between 5 and 9 characters in length. We may have the child’s ID from your system on the STAC file. If so, we can use it to match the child’s transaction record to the child’s record on the STAC file.

Submission Information

  1. SRV-TR-REC-TYP – Required. For STAC-1s, enter a "1" in this field. For STAC-3 amendments, enter a "3" in this field. For withdraws, enter a "W" in this field. For reapplications, enter an "R" in this field.
  2. * SRV-TR-HC-COND - Required. Child’s handicapping condition or disability.   
    EDEmotional Disability
    HHHard of Hearing
    IDIntellectual Disability
    LDLearning Disabled
    MDMultiply Disabled
    OIOrthopedically Impaired
    OHOther Health Impaired
    SISpeech Impaired
    BITraumatic Brain Injured
    VIVision Impaired
    PDPre-Schooler with a disability
  3. SRV-TR-PROG-TYPE - Required. Enter "HSINC" for Incarcerated Youth programs. This field is used by SED to determine the type of service.
  4. SRV-TR-CSE - Required. Committee on Special Education. The District code of the committee that placed the child into Service. This Code can be found on the Agency Provider Information link below.
  5. * SRV-TR-CPLGR - Required. District of Residence. This code can be found on the Agency Provider Information link below.
  6. SRV-TR-USERID - Required. This eight character field must be a valid Usercode established with the STAC unit as the user responsible for this record. Most Incarcerated Youth Usercodes are comprised of the first initial of the first name followed by the first five characters of the last name, followed by the letters IY. The corresponding SRV-TR-CPLGR on this record must match the CPLGR-Code that the STAC unit has recorded for this Usercode.
  7. SRV-TR-ED-PROV - Required. This is the code for the agency providing education services. This code along with the program code and STAC code define the program. This code can be obtained from the Agency Provider Information link below.
  8. SRV-TR-ED-PROG - Required. This is the education program code. This code along with the Agency (Education Provider) code and STAC code define the program. This code can be obtained from the Agency Provider Information link below.
  9. SRV-TR-ED-STAC-CD - Required. This the education program STAC code. This code along with the Agency (Education Provider) code and the education program code define the program. This code can be obtained from the Agency Provider Information link below.
  10. * SRV-TR-ED-DT-BEG - Required. Begin date of service in CC, YY, MM, DD order.
  11. * SRV-TR-ED-DT-END - Required. End date of Service in CC, YY, MM, DD order.
  12. SRV-TR-ED-YN-1TO1-AIDE - Must = "N".

 Agency Provider Information Link

* Indicates that the field is amendable (Amendments are indicated by SRV-TR-REC-TYP = "3")

Last Updated: October 14, 2022