2021 Medicaid Alerts
Medicaid Alert 21-06 (HTML) (9 KB) (posted 12/23/21)
Desk Review Timeline and Training for 2019-2020 SSHSP Cost Reports
Medicaid Alert 21-05 (HTML) (37 KB) (posted 11/05/21)
Random Moment Time Study (RMTS) Upcoming Staff Pool Lists/Calendar Certifications for the Rest of State (ROS)
Medicaid Alert 21-04 (HTML) (36 KB) (posted 09/13/21)
Random Moment Time Study (RMTS) to Resume 10/1/21
Medicaid Alert 21-03 (HTML) (37 KB) (posted 07/09/21)
Telehealth in SSHSP post Executive Order No. 202
Medicaid Alert 21-02 (HTML) (7 KB) (posted 04/12/21)
2019-20 Certified Public Expenditure (CPE) Cost Report Timeline and Training
Medicaid Alert 21-01 (HTML) (8 KB) (posted 02/11/21)
Random Moment Time Study (RMTS) Upcoming Staff Pool Lists/Calendar Certifications for the Rest of State (ROS)