2019 Medicaid Alerts
Medicaid Alert 19-06 (HTML) (9 KB) (posted 12/16/19)
Desk Reviews in process for 2017-2018 SSHSP Cost Report and Cost Reporting for 2018-2019
Medicaid Alert 19-05 (HTML) (8 KB) (posted 11/8/19)
Random Moment Time Study (RMTS) Upcoming Staff Pool Lists/Calendar Certifications for the Rest of State (ROS)
Medicaid Alert 19-04 (HTML) (92.1 KB) (posted 9/4/19)
Random Moment Time Study (RMTS) to Resume 10/1/19 For the Rest of State (ROS)
Medicaid Alert 19-03 (HTML) (8 KB) (posted 8/5/19)
eMedNY modification for SSHSP attending provider claim editing
Medicaid Alert 19-02 (HTML) (9 KB) (posted 6/13/19)
Claiming Window for SSHSP Medicaid Claims
Medicaid Alert 19-01 (HTML) (12 KB) (posted 1/24/19)
DOH CIN Matching Project Implementation